Amsterdam was amaaaaaa¹²zing (that's "a" to the 12th power - pretty amazing, I know. I'm not even exagerating, that's how amazing it was). It was everything and more and a bag of chips and all that and a side of pancakes. Actually, make that 'a side of panca¹²kes'. - delicious delicious pancakes.
I dont even know where to start sooo.... maybe I'll just jump right into pictures and hope I describe even 1/10th of the super-awesome-rific-ness of our 9 days in my favorite city on earth. .... make that... ea¹²rth. The below pics are just three rolls I took with disposable cameras. Esra took 6 rolls of great pics with a real camera - we have yet to develop the film. I'll do up another post when we do.
( formats the pages kinda weird, I recommend using your PAGE DOWN button to scroll through the pics)

Look at these happy people taking... one armed .. photos? no way. What's that in the background? the ..? Rijks... OH .. the Rijksmuseum. You'll soon see this was one of the better one-armed-photo's I took.
I seem to only be capable of one of the following, never both: a) I perfectly capture people in the photo b) I perfectly capture the background I am trying to get, decapitating at least one of the people in the photo.

My spidey-sense (and the ground brick pattern) tells me this is the Rijksmuseum / Van Gogh plaza area. Smiley smiley! Oh.. notice the jacket and sweatshirt and hat I'm wearing? beneath the jacket and sweatshirt were 4 more layers. F'n cold, for a week straight. Brrrr.

Ahh. this picture would be out of order then. Note the I amsterdam letters on the semi truck, being off-loaded by the yellow crane thingy.

Kissy Kissy. god only knows what I was trying to get in the picture background there.

Wait, that makes it sound like they were annoying. they weren't. Pigeons are annoying... ducks are the f'n coolest. Get some ducks for your town today! Call Now!

This picture is for you Marco... Yes, that's a Killing Joke poster in Dutch behind me. Also, Goldfrapp was playing while we were they, but they were sold out.

The 1921 built, Art Deco Tuschinski Theater check out the link for cool pictures of the inside.

Interestingly enough, 5 minutes after taking this picture, I had to pee.
They provide these around the city so people wont pee in the streets or in the canals - which people invariably do anyway, prompting a $50 ticket. With all these stations around, you'd wonder why anyone would risk a $50 ticket. Until you have to pee and there's no station around.

Me at a canal / bridge / lock. Looking very serious. Or concentrating on getting the background in the photo... which.... I almost did.

Esra looks like a manequin. A hot manequin.

Smoochy smooch. Yessss... back to my what-the-hell-were-you-trying-to-photograph ways...

Heeeeee. happy happy.

Damn van - who knows, I mighta actually captured something I intended to capture in a photo. Rest assured, Esra and that camera in her hand snapped much better photos than this.

Look! it's a fire breathing dragon being ridden by a naked Dick Cheney having sex with a donut! Quick, Kory! Take a picture!
Me: Owkee doke! [click]

Just to the left of us, the earth caught fire, apparently.

Also, an all white kitty came and sat on my lap at the bus stop - that was maybe twice as awesome... Until (and I can pretty much know for a fact that this will be the only time in my life this will happen) .. a duck came along and scared off the cat on my lap.

The beach, the North Sea, the clouds, the WIND. ok, you cant see the wind. If you can, I worry for you.

the (obviously) closed little beach shacks for changing clothes, storing stuff, etc. At the top left is one of many dune bar / restaraunt / shacks that lined the top of the dunes.

One angle down the beach. yes, my jacket hood looks stupid. Looking stupid easily won out over freezing the skin on my skull solid.

The bar / restaraunt / shack we ate at. It was awe-freakin-some. Minus the slight bit of attitude we got from the Dutchies inside. more on Dutch attitude towards Americans later.
we stayed for hours and watched the sun set.

From the inside. 3 kite surfers raced all up and down the shallow waters of the beach as we ate and sat.

Ahh bike riding. This was actually our only bike riding we did in Holland. it was perfect - no traffic of a billion bikes to deal with, hardly any cars and the island was small enough that we saw a big chunk of the western coast within... hmm.. 3-4 hours?

Me. and desolation. and sheep (not pictured) and cows (not pictured) and horses (not pictured) and houses (not pictured) and (also not pictured are) farms and farmhouses and any sort of major detail that might set this setting apart from .. oh.. say... Kansas.

There are just two things wrong with this one armed photo: a) nothing b) all of the above
Good job, one armed bandit.

At the Slufter (the largest bird sanctuary in the Netherlands). just out of frame to the right (I swear) are a mama and baby sheep grazing on the hillside. Also, Dick Cheney.... grazing.

The Slufter. (great pics from the web here)

Esra scouts out a location to build a McDonalds.

What the.... people? background? sheep IN the background? trees? sky?? good proportions?? why Scarlett, I do believe you've done it!!

Luckily, I spoke just enough Dutch to translate.
strange that a sign would say that, out in the middle of a bird sanctuary, but who am I to argue with what it said?

I was very sad that we didn't make it up to the down of De Cocksdorp - is it possible to not love a town with a name like that? say it. go on... say it out loud, it's fun.

Let the artsy-fartsy photo-ness begin! annnd ACTION! actually, I love this photo muchly.

And this one. motion! look at that tree blurring! look at my face eclipsed, totally in shadow... wait, that is me, right?

The same bus ride as above.. on our way outta town.

Waiting for the ferry to load, Esra points at the North Sea. Esra stands on a bench for emphasis.

This photo was not worth a one hour wait.
-----------back in Amsterdam

Action photo time! Me, Esra, Dylan annnnd... Marisa, turn around! ok, fine, dont. The Haag in the background.. No, not that The Hague, the Haag.

Bridge, bikes, canal, Niewe Kirk. [big sigh] I'd give your other leg to be there right now.

Oude Kirk? Niewe Kirk? something Kirk? Esra is really happy with how this photo turned out. She told me so. She's going to use it for her acting headshots.
Sorry babe, life is too short to worry about how you look in photos. Besides, I look awesome.

Someone called this my "George Clooney photo". I just call it yet another goddamn sexy photo of myself. Oh and there's some canals & stuff in the background.. I think.

Same bridge and drinking spot, farther back. See how I'm standing on the sidewalk? It's so I dont take a bicycle handlebar to the kidney or have a wheel roll up over my achilles tendon, ruining a perfectly good vacation. More on bicycle safety and the difficulties of keeping safe later.

Seriously.. I miss that view somethin' fierce.

Out the front of the boat, looking at a fireboat passing under Rozengracht @ Nassaukade. You might think, as I did for the first two days in Amsterdam, that "gracht" means road. You'd think wrong - it means "canal" - Rozengracht happens to be one of many canals that were filled in to become roads - all of which kept the suffix "gracht".

From the front of the houseboat. (Exterior .. and more photos of the houseboat here - and more (and better ones) when Esra and Dylan develop their film)

More duckies.. or mallards? or.. who knows (no, you dont need to tell me, I'm fine calling them ducks) - these black ones would take any food we gave them and high tail it across the canal to their nest and give it to their babies while the more duck looking ones would try to steal it away.
Cute lil' mofos.

I have no idea what or whom I was trying to get here. It's the inside of the houseboat, that much I can tell. Needless to say, when you're in a store, you dont really need to speak Dutch to see that a camera doesn't have a flash on it. But apparently, it might have helped me.

On the walk back from the Vondelpark. Not a particularly interesting photo until you realize that the church spire in the background is probably twice as old as the United States.

Esra took a photo of a door. She liked the door. A lot. Y'know why? Y'know who lived there? Neither do I. Cool door tho...

I... umm... took a picture of a tree. 'cause..... uhhh....

Again... where are the ducks and trees and water and anything else that'd make this photo more than just another shot of Esra and I???
- conveniently out of frame! that's where!!

A purty picture of clouds reflected in a pond at Vondelpark. Also pictured? the cuff of my jacket!!! YESSS!!!!

Hey, who took that photo? you're not even looking at the camera, Kory? Who could it be? Who did it?!?! Gee, I wonder.

Me in Vondelpark looking rather red. Which is quite possible - I think the entire time we were there I was permanently slightly sunburnt.

Getting artsy at Vondelpark. I had to pay that bike two euros for taking it's picture.

Back at meseum plein.. I think Marisa and.. ya, Marisa and Esra are having a picture taken by Marisa's mom on the right. Meanwhile, I try to take a photo of a guy trying to kick a soccer ball through the hole in the "d". He missed and killed a small child in a stroller instead. Dont worry, killing children is legal in Amsterdam. What? it's... ....'re sure? Pfffft. now you tell me.

Vondelpark. god I love disposable cameras. they take the best pictures ever!!!

And this? you call it a ... "pole"??? Man, you Dutch are weeeeiiiird!!

oh. oops.
Are you really gonna be suprised when I move there someday or will you say you saw it coming? Will you visit?
Ok, ... more later... Als t' blift!!!
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