Monday, April 17, 2006

Listicle 11.ii

¬¬¬¬OhMyLord, it's worth it just for the flash movie - samurai kittens deserve your respect.

¬¬¬¬I will.. nay, must.. start the website. in the meantime, check out my enemies. what bastards!

¬¬¬¬Please Mr Bushie, listen to your advisors. Nuclear bunker busters dont work. please dont drop them on my people.

¬¬¬¬Esra and I are going to Amsterdam for the end of May / beginning of June - staying on this for the last few days. ohw yeah. (click go for the pictures)

1 comment:

Dirty Dan Sin said...

Hey...forget your really want to take on cilantro-haters, you better be ready to battle me...your old roomie.